A Monumental Undertaking.
CAW Teaching Artists and Youth Employees
Participate in MonumentArt.
Creative Art Works is proud to participate in MonumentArt, an international mural festival that is bringing together outstanding artists from around the world to simultaneously paint monumental murals in nine public spaces in the South Bronx and Manhattan’s East Harlem/El Barrio neighborhood. Guest Artists include Faith47, El Mac, Sego, Cero, Ever and 2Alas (aka Andrew Antonaccio and Filio Galvez). Read more about the artists HERE.
CAW participants in MonumentArt include Teaching Artists Gera Lozano, Anissa Hanley, and Sarah Conarro and Youth Employees Ashanti Albert, Oscar Chavez, Alexandria Fields, Edgar Gonzalez, Brianna Jimenez, Chris Mitchell, and Elsie Vidal.
CAW Teaching Artists and Youth Employees have been participating in the creation of three MonumentArt murals. Renowned painter, poet and activist Elizam Escobar is painting an interior mural at the Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center at 105th Street and Lexington Avenue. Guest Artist Luis Vidal is painting a mural on the corner of 111th Street and 1st Avenue, near the southwest corner of Thomas Jefferson Park. Guest Artist Viajero (aka Adrian Daniel Roman) is creating a mural three stories high on an exterior wall of PS 102/Jacques Cartier Elementary School at 113th Street and 2nd Avenue. The mural, which examines the themes of immigration and community, depicts a young boy in a giant paper boat.
You can participate directly in the creation of Viajero’s public art project. On Friday, October 9th, from 2:20 to 6:00 PM, PS 102 and CAW will host a community-based art event that explores the subject of migration, movement, passage, and what “home” means. Join us in the West Cafeteria of PS 102 to create and decorate your own paper boat and inscribe it with a personal message. All the boats will be gathered together to represent the many voices of the people who live in the El Barrio Community. Please feel free to download and share a copy of the bilingual invitation to this event HERE.
Video by CAW Multimedia Teaching Artist Anissa Hanley.
CAW Executive Director Brian Ricklin spoke at the kickoff party for Monument Art on October 5th at La Marqueta Retoña in Vendy Plaza.
MonumentArt is presented by La Marqueta Retoña and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, and sponsored in part by Acacia Networks.
Now, Go See the Art!
We encourage you to visit the MonumentArt murals on Sunday, October 11th. Keep an eye out for CAW staff, Teaching Artists and Youth Employees, who will be touring all the murals. Click HERE for a map of all the murals in El Barrio/East Harlem.