Summer Heats Up!
Painting progresses at River Crossing
Youth Apprentices in Creative Art Works’ Public Art Youth Employment program rise to the challenge of tight deadlines, ambitious projects, and High expectations.
Design Presentation for Savills Mural
With just one week left to finish their projects, Creative Art Works Youth Apprentices are determined to meet impending deadlines. Public art teams are putting the finishing touches on their art. Multimedia teams are crafting persuasive social justice messages through film, animation and graphic art. It’s an exciting time and things are moving fast as YA’s prepare for their culminating events. We invite all members of the NYC community to join us for one of these joyful events. Our public art unveilings take place on August 11th, and our multimedia premier is on the 12th. Check out or summer culminating event calendar for a full list of in-person and remote celebrations.
With over 150 Youth Apprentices and eight summer programs running simultaneously, it would be impossible to share with you everything that has happened this summer; so, instead, we would like to share a few moments of growth and inspiration.
Painting patterns and flowers on the River Crossing mural
“We had some youth who were pretty shy at first, but when I asked them to paint intuitively and create patterns on the mural, they really blossomed! By trusting them with the freedom to create their own designs, I think it gave them a lot of pride and a sense of ownership in the mural. It also challenged them in a healthy way. ”
“This photo of a smiling face by Annalis, a Youth Apprentice on the graphic design Team, sparked a conversation about mental health within the prison system. Another YA, Orchid, commented, ‘If Annalis can humanize this cold, inanimate object, how can we not humanize people in the system?’”
Brooklyn Housing Protest, photo by CAW Youth Apprentice Kezia King
“The Youth Apprentices have started to come together as teams. An assignment to take photos of their own neighborhoods inspired rich conversations as YA’s shared social justice issues that they encountered when they shot in the field.”
Youth Apprentices at Queens Community Justice Center transferring the design onto the canvasses.
“The Youth Apprentices at the QCJC have developed greater patience in the face of challenges over the course of this program. Their ability to maintain commitment to their task defies expectations. Once we got to work on the art, they were excited and focused. They do well when they feel they are part of a shared vision.”
City Council Member Diana Ayala joins in the first day of painting at the River Crossing Mural.
Public Art Photo Gallery
Savills Mural Team Design Pitch
River Crossing Mural Team
Bronx Family Court Mural Team
Creative Art Works 2021 summer public art youth employment programs were made possible, in part, in part, by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and by the Summer Youth Employment Program of the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and these generous supporters: Boston Properties, Invesco, L+M, Savills, Crowell & Moring, The LeRoy Neiman and Janet Byrne Neiman Foundation, The Sills Family Foundation, RBC Foundation USA, and CAF Canada. Many thanks to Celtic Building Supplies, Colony Hardware, Commodore Construction, Newport Painting & Decorating, Pittsburgh Paint, Structure Tone, and Sherwin-Williams for the donated materials and painting supplies. The majority of our Youth Apprentices come to us via the Summer Youth Employment Program of the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development. Youth providers include: BronxWorks, CASES, Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Children’s Aid Society, Henry Street Settlement, Inwood Community Services, and Right to Dream.